Our Mission: To improve scientific interaction among postdocs and the quality of their personal life.



All employed Einstein postdocs are automatically members of the association. We currently have around 275 members! To sign up for the postdoc mailing list, please see the follow us section for more information.

Our Goals

Our Goals

The association has two primary roles: 1) to provide both social and career development resources for postdoctoral fellows at Einstein and 2) to represent the interests of this group directly to the Einstein faculty and administration as needed.

What We Can Do For You

What We Can Do For You

The association has a number of goals that we hope will enrich and enhance the scientific careers and social life of all postdocs.

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History of the EPA

History of the EPA

The Einstein Postdoctoral Association (EPA) was founded in 1996 as one of the first Postdoc Associations in the United States.

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We could use your help!

We could use your help!

Ultimately it is up to the postdocs at Einstein to make things happen! Please contact the EPA with any opinion or concern regarding postdoc life on campus. epa.einstein@gmail.com